Contact & Team

Marquis AG Kanalservice, Kembserweg 1, 4055 Basel

Sewer service and sewer cleaning from professionals in Basel

Marquis AG Sewage Service is one of the leading providers of sewer services in Switzerland. As a family business, we operate throughout Switzerland. With our headquarters in Basel, we serve the city of Basel and the surrounding communities.

We clean and unclog

If water flows where it shouldn't or no longer flows where it should, we at Marquis AG are there with our emergency teams. We clear all kinds of blockages, empty shafts and ensure that your sewer system is fully functional. We also dispose of any dirty or muddy water that arises. To ensure that another unpleasant surprise doesn't occur straight away, we use the latest video technology to check the condition of your pipes and ducts. A subsequent check of the tightness of the sewer system will save you from further trouble.

In addition to clearing blockages, we also offer periodic inspections of the sewer situation. This way you can avert impending problems cost-effectively. Don't wait until an accident occurs! The follow-up costs quickly rise to high levels.

If you have any further questions, we are available to both private and business customers and will prepare an individual offer upon request.

In an emergency, quick action is required

In an emergency, we are available to you with our 24-hour emergency service. Regardless of whether flooding occurred due to a defect or blockage or a shaft is no longer drained and there is a risk of flooding - we are there quickly. A quick reaction is essential in such cases, otherwise there is a risk that enormous follow-up costs will arise. In an emergency, call us on our Piket number on 0800 321 222.

Andreas Marquis
Andreas Marquis
+41 61 717 17 17
Beatrix Marquis
Beatrix Marquis
Leitung Dienste / EDV
+41 61 717 17 17
Nadia Vögtlin-Marquis
Nadia Vögtlin-Marquis
Executive Assistance to CEO
+41 61 717 17 17
+41 78 688 41 26
Paolo Cerri
Paolo Cerri
Bereichsleiter Kanal-TV / Sanierung
+41 61 717 17 25
+41 79 458 44 00
Daniel Artz
Daniel Artz
Bereichsleiter Administration
+41 61 717 17 28
+41 78 688 41 14
Guido Storci
Guido Storci
Bereichsleiter LKW
+41 61 717 17 11
+41 78 688 41 11
Yunus Cerri
Yunus Cerri
Bereichsleiter Kleinspüler
+41 61 717 17 13
+41 78 688 41 34
Nexhat Sadiku
Nexhat Sadiku
Lernender Kaufmann EFZ - E-Profil
+41 61 717 17 01
Leonie Lüthy
Leonie Lüthy
Lernende Kauffrau EFZ / Disposupport
+41 61 717 17 39
Leonardo Rustemi
Leonardo Rustemi
Lernender Kaufmann EFZ
+41 61 717 17 01
Hans Wyler
Hans Wyler
Kunden- und Objektbetreuer Kanal-TV / Sanierung
+41 61 717 17 21
+41 78 688 41 18
Rahel Breitenstein
Rahel Breitenstein
Abteilungsleiterin Disposition
+41 61 717 17 36
+41 79 802 02 62
Amanda Schmid
Amanda Schmid
Disponentin Kleinspüler
+41 61 717 17 37
Sascha Küng
Sascha Küng
Disponent Sanierung / Kanal-TV
+41 61 717 17 16
+41 78 688 41 19
Michael Meier
Michael Meier
Disponent LKW
+41 61 717 17 40

Marquis AG Kanalservice
Wölferstrasse 15, 4414 Füllinsdorf

T 061 717 17 17

Kembserweg 1, 4055 Basel
Araweg 5, 4222 Zwingen

Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe

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