Our services for plumbers
We at Marquis AG are at your side around the clock and 365 days a year with our emergency service. Our equipped vehicles and our employees on standby will help you quickly and reliably with all problems related to sewer cleaning and disposal. In an emergency, we can reach almost any location from our sites in Füllinsdorf, Basel and Zwingen.
- Unclogging of drains in and around the house
- Unclogging of stream culverts and communal sewers
- Suction of pits, shafts and drains
- Mobile disposal of oil and chemical spills
- Suction of fire water
- Pumping out of cellars
- Water transport
- Support of the fire department

Blockages in drains and the associated flooding is always a problem. But the experienced employees of Marquis AG Sewage Service can be quickly on site to solve the issue. We repair damage quickly and reliably. In addition, the excellent training and further education of our service technicians at Marquis AG Sewage Service guarantees that all work is carried out carefully and absolutely professionally. We help with drain unclogging of:
- Washbasins, toilets, bath/showers
- Gutters, drainpipes
- Floor and patio drains
- Coffee machines, steamers, freezers

Grease, hair, and also lime and sand deposits, as well as ingrown roots can narrow the sewage pipes in your property. This can happen to such an extent that the drainage system no longer works properly the next time you take a shower or the next storm.
With a precautionary check of your house sewage system, you can avoid clogged drains and expensive repairs. At the same time, professional maintenance contributes to the value of your property.
Our professionals check your sewage pipes
⇒ In the house; washbasin, toilet, bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, etc.
⇒ Around the house; gutters, shafts, canals, drainage pipes, etc.
and, if necessary, we then create an offer for the cleaning work.
Online registration "Precautionary check house sewer system"

Regular and gentle cleaning prevents blockages, flooding, unpleasant odors and high follow-up costs. Each of our vehicles is equipped with a versatile range of tools and a TV camera. Limescale and deposits don't stand a chance. With regular checks, even minor damage can be detected early and can be repaired more cheaply. A maintenance plan drawn up by us saves time and money.

Marquis AG Sewage Service offers our customers extensive services in the field of extraction. With our special machines, we can exhaust the following areas, among others, and thus ensure more safety:
- Stormwater retention basins
- Roof water collector
- Seepage shafts and pits
- Ponds, pools, and Biotopes
- Oil and petrol separator
- Fat separator
- Septic tanks
- Mud drilling etc.
We use a wide variety of suction vehicles for the various jobs, which are optimally specialized for the individual areas.

Only high-tech equipment, professional tools and well-trained employees enable efficient and high-quality investigations and the location of shafts. Whether professional sewer TV inspection, leak tests or data transfer VSA-KEK 2008 into the GIS expert system for operators of the WebGIS platform Geoportal, the Marquis AG Sewage Service sewer TV department with its fully equipped digital TV buses offers all these services from a single source!
The WebGIS solution Geoportal provides the functionality for using channel television information and enables information to be queried and image and video data to be viewed. As a professional sewer TV company, we meet all requirements to ensure an efficient transfer of information to the geoportal.
- Software Wincan VX data acquisition
- Interlis 2 for geodata acquisition and export
- Cloude solution for direct access to the collected data
TV bus with “explosion-proof system”
This sewer TV bus is equipped for areas of application with an increased risk of ignition such as gas stations, garages, chemicals, industrial, tank farms, etc. The entire camera system, pan head camera and steerable camera trolley with tilting option, is "explosion-proof" according to the II 2 G Ex px IIB T4 Gb standard. A 300-meter-long trolley cable, swivel head camera with integrated location transmitter, a high-pressure flushing unit, various cleaning nozzles and much more enable all types of work to be carried out in one operation.

Do you have no or incorrect sewerage plans? Using pipe locating, hidden or leaking pipes can be quickly located.
- Unknown route of cables
- Locate shafts
- Locate sewer breakages
- Locate cables through floors, ceilings and walls

On the trail of leaks with high-tech techniques
A sewer TV camera only provides visual information about the tightness of a sewer. A leak test must be carried out to check whether a repair site is actually leak-tight after a renovation. Rohrputz-Loriol is recommended as an accredited, neutral and independent testing center.

Clean ventilation systems are essential for people and machines. Only clean ventilation guarantees healthy air quality for you and your employees and allows sensitive machines and processes to function properly. Ventilation hygiene is worth it.

Preliminary investigation for sewage requests
A preliminary investigation for sewerage applications is now part of a building permit in most municipalities. The preliminary investigation shows the condition of the sewage pipes. The length, damage (such as roots, socket misalignment, cracks, shards, etc.), dimensions and materials are shown. The findings are given in a documented form (sewer TV protocol). In addition to the investigation, the current state of the sewage system is drawn on the plans, if it is not available as a sketch.

As a company of the Marquis Group, Aquatec Kanalsanierungen AG, supplements the range of services with sewer rehabilitation using the inliner method. We take over the entire renovation planning, from the needs analysis to the certificate, so that everything runs according to plan and without burden to you.
You can find more information about trenchless sewer rehabilitation here:

Vacation and absence replacements for your sanitary facilities
Enjoy your holidays and leave customer orders for clogged drains, washbasins, showers and toilets to us. Use the tried and tested Marquis AG Sewer Service - Temporary service! We have specialized in sewer and drain cleaning for many years. During your holiday absence, we will take care of all emergencies in the area of drain unclogging.
Your advantages:
You also earn money during the holidays – because every order earns you a commission of 15%!
You will not lose any customers – because your loyal customers will be served reliably and quickly.
We advertise for you – because we recommend your company for all possible follow-up work.
The administrative part is very easy for you and can be completed in a very short time. All you have to do is call FREE 0800 321 222 and give us the details. That's all, we'll take care of the rest for you quickly, reliably, and competently!

House connection investigation
The house connection is the section of pipe between the building and the municipal sewage system. Or the line between the last manhole on your plot and the community sewer. Access is via an inspection opening or control shaft.

Every piece of sanitary equipment with a connection to the waste water pipe must be equipped with an odor trap (siphon, floor drain, drip water siphon, etc.). Due to its properties, the water evaporates in odor traps and is usually renewed again and again through the use of the sanitary facilities. If the sanitary facility, such as in the basement, is used rarely or not at all, the sealing water level is not renewed and unpleasant sewer gases (hydrogen sulfide compounds) escape.
As a solution to the above problems, we recommend a liquid that will ensure the sealing water level for a long time. This means there are no adverse effects from sewer gasses. It is easy to use, by applying a dose of the sealing liquid from the user-friendly 500ml bottle as required and filling it directly into the desired siphon.