Drain blocked – what to do?

Drain blocked – what to do?

If the drain is clogged, you should definitely not try to fix the problem yourself as this could make the situation worse. Instead, it is advisable to contact a professional local drain cleaning company that has the necessary expertise and equipment. Our drainage technologists can remove the blockage safely and efficiently without causing any damage to your sewer pipes. A professional solution ensures that the problem is resolved completely and sustainably.

Marquis AG Kanalservice
Wölferstrasse 15, 4414 Füllinsdorf

T 061 717 17 17

Kembserweg 1, 4055 Basel
Araweg 5, 4222 Zwingen

Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe Marquis Gruppe

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